Friday Favorites #126

fri fav titleWelcome back to Friday Favorites! With our new party we are showcasing features and sharing one of our own projects on our own blogs! So please linger a bit! Also, please note we are focusing on DIY and HOME PROJECTS!

SO WHO ARE WE? AND WHAT ARE WE UP TO? Check out what each host is up to this week! There is a lot of creativity flowing here…

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An Outer Space Birthday!

Outer Space Birthday!! #partydecor #DIYparty #kidspartyFor months and months, our son was (and still is) obsessed with Space. By the age of 2 he could name all of the planets and could tell you about them!! Smarty Pants!!  So when it came time for his 3rd Birthday, it was a no-brain’er to throw him an Outer Space Birthday filled with lots of “Astronaut Training” Games and even a huge Space Shuttle to play in! Continue reading

An Awesome Cardboard Box Birthday!

cardboard box birthdayThis is probably one of my favorite parties ever! I had planned this down to a T. We had recently moved to our 2nd family home the previous fall, so by February (we have all winter babies… so far.) we had PLENTY of boxes to play with!!

My oldest, who was turning 2 at this party, is soooo creative. He can turn just about anything into a toy and uses his imagination for everything. I don’t have a clue where he gets that from?! He will literally turn a cardboard box into a space ship and fly to mars for hours days. I admire that so much! I think it is pure magical to sit back and watch him play with his imagination, and even more of an amazing experience to put on my own helmet and buckle up next to him as Co-Pilot. So while we are celebrating him, we wanted to celebrate his imagination.


“Some of my Best Friends are Imaginary!”

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