Friday Favorites #126

fri fav titleWelcome back to Friday Favorites! With our new party we are showcasing features and sharing one of our own projects on our own blogs! So please linger a bit! Also, please note we are focusing on DIY and HOME PROJECTS!

SO WHO ARE WE? AND WHAT ARE WE UP TO? Check out what each host is up to this week! There is a lot of creativity flowing here…

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Friday Favorites #124!

11261113_10102155074924978_6178094357377308039_nWelcome back to Friday Favorites! We had a record number of favorites linked up last week! We are so excited! Thank you! We are bringing new graphics, eight features a week and social media shout outs!

Before I introduce you to the fabulous co-hosts for Friday Favorites, let me show you what I have been working on…

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